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Dental sintering furnace operation guide and frequently asked questions
Source: | Author:Zetin | Published time: 2022-11-11 | 748 Views | Share:

Fast and Slow integration function 30B PLUS Sintering Furnace

1. Check whether the power supply voltage is stable and whether there is leakage in the socket and power cord before starting;


2. Clean the dust on the equipment and workbench with dry towels;


3. After power-on, observe whether the screen can be started normally and whether each key is normal;


4. Check whether the dental furnace is securely placed, whether the interior of the furnace is cracked, and whether the heating rod is normal. Use a dry brush to gently clean the impurities in the furnace, clean the sintering crucible and replace the bead.


5. After other confirmation, the normal operation procedure is put into the soft colorless piece of leftover material for sintering and cleaning of the furnace. After the completion of the zirconia block permeability without green phenomenon that can be normal sintering.


6. Why does teeth appear light green during the operation of a dental sintering furnace? How to prevent tooth discoloration?

Answer: When you use a dental sintering furnace, the main reason for discoloration is that you are operating the oxidizing sintering furnace at a wrong temperature and can try again to make the teeth burn to the color you want so that you can get the proper sintering temperature.


7. Why doesn't the furnace work after I set the parameters? I can't see the change in the temperature curve.

Answer: The most likely heating rod breaks, if there is an internal crack situation. Well, you should replace your heating element.


8. Why can I hear the dental oxidation sintering furnace produce a loud sound when it is working?

Answer: It's the sound of the electric motor. No need to worry.