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The Future of Stomatology
Source: | Author:Zetin | Published time: 2022-01-03 | 1360 Views | Share:

With the “re-industrialization” of the United States, the “Industry 4.0” of Germany, the “New Robot Strategy” of Japan, and the “Smart Manufacturing 2025” strategy of China, robots known as the “jewel in the crown” have gradually become The focus of everyone’s attention. Among them, medical robots have become the strategic technological commanding heights that the world competes for.

In the dental field, robotics research has also been carried out for nearly 30 years. As the development and application of robotics technology in certain areas of dentistry has matured, more and more dentists have begun to study the use of robots to simulate various technical aspects of oral clinical, teaching, and scientific research, such as chewing robots, and oral implant assisted positioning Robots, orthodontic archwire bending robots, dental training simulation robots, etc.

In recent years, especially this year, it can be described as the out-of-circle year of oral robots. Both in R&D and clinical aspects, there have been gratifying performances.


Beijing Baihui Weikang Technology Co., Ltd.'s "Ruiyibo" oral surgery robot has obtained NMPA certification, becoming the first domestically approved product for oral surgery robots. During the operation, the doctor can use this robot to accurately locate the target point and path planned before the operation and complete the implant implantation, and the error is controlled within 1 and 0.5mm.

The innovative product "Oral Implant Surgery Navigation and Positioning Device" produced by Yake Wisdom (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. was approved to be listed, and it was also the world's first autonomous dental implant surgery robot to obtain a three-category medical device registration certificate.

With the assistance of the Ruiyibo dental surgery robot, the world's first optical navigation robot-assisted complete edentulous jaw implantation and digital immediate repair surgery were successfully completed. The industry evaluates this as having groundbreaking significance for the improvement of China's dental digital medical level.

Young doctor Xie Rui operated the world’s first autonomous dental implant robot and accurately implanted 6 implants for 65-year-old patients. This fully proved that the autonomous dental implant robot can significantly improve the doctor’s clinical ability, lower the technical threshold of dental implants, and solve the problem. Clinical problems; also indicates that the clinical functions and indications of autonomous dental implant robots will be further expanded.


According to WinterGreen Research, the global market for surgical robots in the future will grow from US$3.2 billion in 2014 to US$20 billion in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 29.9%.

From a global perspective, the medical industry is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and medical robots with independent property rights are imminent. Based on the performance of this year's R&D, clinical, investment tracking, etc., it is believed that oral surgery robots can release the huge potential of the development of the oral digital industry with the support of policies and capital.

In the 20th century, stomatology has experienced several clinical medical technology revolutions such as silver amalgam filling materials, methyl methacrylate polymer materials, turbo-phones, light-curing adhesive resins, lasers, and porcelain. In the 21st century, stomatology is faced with the challenges of computer-aided design and production, intraoral 3D scanning, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other high-tech technologies based on computer applications.

Faced with these disruptive new technologies, every dentist should be fully knowledgeable and ready to embrace the industry changes brought about by new technologies at any time.