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Dental Knowledge
Source: | Author:Zetin | Published time: 2021-12-20 | 1288 Views | Share:

Oral health is an important part of overall health. Zetin Dental Equipment is committed to the development and innovation of high-end dental equipment and machines, producing high-quality teeth for patients with teething, and improving the quality of life of patients with missing teeth. It is constantly committed to equipment in the field of dental implants The innovative development of the company provides dental laboratories with more high-end dental equipment, allowing countless patients around the world to smile confidently again.

Number of teeth

A normal person has 28 permanent teeth and 4 wisdom teeth, which is 32 teeth

The composition of the teeth

Crown-- this is the visible part of the tooth

Gingival margin--located at the junction of the crown and the gums

Root--the part of the tooth buried in the alveolar bone

The role of teeth

Chew food, help pronunciation, keep the face coordinated and beautiful. The role of teeth is divided into three categories. The first role of teeth is to chew food, which is also a role that we are very familiar with. The process of chewing can stimulate the normal development of jaws and improve the health of periodontal tissue. The second role of teeth This function is to help pronunciation. The position of the teeth and the position relationship between the tongue and the teeth of the lips are closely related to the accuracy and clarity of the pronunciation. People usually say that the lack of front teeth leads to inaccurate pronunciation. The third function is to maintain the coordination and beauty of the face. The teeth can support the soft tissues of the face. If the tooth is missing for too long, it may collapse due to loss of support and affect the beauty of the face.