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Why the new furnace will contaminate zirconia?
Source: | Author:Zetin | Published time: 2021-03-26 | 1511 Views | Share:
Occasionally, several new buyers reported that zirconia was contaminated during the process of sintering. If you have encountered a similar problem, do you know what caused it and how can we solve this problem?
Some new customers started using the furnace directly after receiving the furnace. Dental technicians used a new furnace to directly sinter the zirconia dentures. After sintering, the color of the zirconia was not good. After consulting, it was found that the zirconia was contaminated by the furnace. why?
Because heating rods are installed in the hearth of the dental furnace, and the materials of the heating rods are different, silicon molybdenum rods or silicon carbon rods are the most widely used in the market, and these two heating elements are the most used. Because these two materials have good thermal conductivity, high temperature resistance, stable chemical properties, burn resistance and corrosion resistance. Among them, the new silicon molybdenum rods may emit impurities at high temperatures, which will cause the zirconia teeth to be contaminated; while the silicon carbide rods will not have impurities at high temperatures, so many dental laboratories have experience in dentistry The technician probably knows the reason when encountering this kind of problem. The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to carry out an air firing in the new sintering furnace, which can remove the pollutants in the heating rod.
Another reason for the contamination of zirconia during sintering is that the sintering furnace is left unused for a long time. Air and moisture in the air will accumulate inside the furnace. These are invisible to our naked eyes. Therefore, if the sintering furnace has not been used for a long time, and you suddenly need to use it one day, you must re-fire the furnace to avoid contamination of the zirconia.
Dear Zetin customers, if you encounter any problems during the use of our products, please contact our customer service staff in time. Explain the problem, take a video and send it to my customer service staff, we will promptly feedback to the engineer to find out the cause for you, to help you solve the problem you encountered online!
Note: The empty firing program of the Zetin brand sintering furnace is No. 40 program
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