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Kosovo customers
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-02-01 | 1563 Views | Share:

        In late 2019, the company received an inquiry from a customer from Kosovo. Everything went well from communication to order confirmation of the production plan, but in the end the order did not go smoothly.

        You can think that the foreign trade export industry is very simple, but in fact it is not as simple as it seems. International trade is often affected by many international political factors. This field involves a wide range of things, here I won’t give too much explanation. In short, at that time no international cargo transportation company was found for this order.

        I thought that this order was no longer making any progress, but I never expected that a year later, customers in Kosovo would find Zetin Company again. The customers were very happy to inform us that they had found an international freight forwarding company that could transport goods, although they could not directly sent from China to Kosovo, but goods can be delivered to other countries, they are willing to go to other countries to pick up the goods.

        A lot of common-sense international knowledge can be learned from business dealings in international trade, which can better enhance the professionalism of company employees. After going through this process, we will be able to better serve more customers in the future, and we will be able to deeply understand this industry.